Fresh Chantarelles

Seasonal Offering

Our Chantarelle Offering

Enjoy the seasonal mushroom classic from mid of July.

Our this year's chantarelle offering

From July 16, we will be offering this popular edible mushroom in different variations – as a light summer salad, as a side dish to a hearty meat dish or in a potato soup.

Enjoy freshly prepared chanterelles in a hearty potato soup served with fresh cress or tender medallions of pork fillet with chanterelle cream and rosemary wedges. As a light and vegan alternative for hot summer days, we offer a mixed salad with fried chanterelles.

Some product information


The fine golden yellow chantarelle is considered as one of the most popular edible mushrooms.

About Chantarelles

Chantarelles (lat.: Cantharellus cibarius) belong to the most popular edible mushrooms in Europe. They are charaterised by its mildly peppery taste (therefore its German name, Pfifferling). 

Because of its high amount of protein, potassium and vitamin D the chantarelle is one of the healthiest mushrooms. Hence it serves as valuable source of minerals and this although it consists of roughly 92% water.

Origin & Geographical Distribution

Chanterelles sprout from June till late autumn in Europe’s deciduous and coniferous forests. However, they also grow in Australia, South and North America as well as northern Asia. Advantageous for a high yield chantarelle season is a rainy but warm summer.

Since the mushroom can only flourish with the fine roots of certain tree types, it can not be breeded. Chantarelles grow mostly near spruces, beeches, oaks, birches and pines.
